"Farmer, Napoleon, Ohio," Tim Connor, All rights reserved
I shot this on assignment a few weeks ago & like it very much. But at that time the spring still hadn't popped in N.E. Ohio & not even weeds were showing in this farmer's corn field. Also, the one day I had out there was heavily overcast or raining from first light to last. Dressed in muddy shirt & jeans & much-worn john deere cap, my subject met me at his barn & we walked out to his field . He was unfailingly generous and kind, but it was clear he had been working in the barn before I got there & was ready to go back to work the minute I left. We had a good session & I got a variety of framings & expressions.
When I got back to New York, no one wanted to use this picture or any of the others like it, including those in which the farmer is grinning. "Too depressing," they said. Luckily, I had made some lovely, friendly shots of the farmer & his dad & their little dog back by the farmhouse, & we used those. The writer & the editor liked it & so will the farmer, so there's nothing to complain about. It worked out fine.
But I like this one best. And I'm glad I don't have to argue against squaring up the horizon.
I like you shots. Haven't seen the "happy" shots, of course. But I suspect you got closer to the truth than the folks bak in NY.
Chris, But of course I AM the folks back in NY. Given the job this pic was supposed to do, I would/did reject it too. I don't actually feel bad about it. Just a commentary... (P.S. will link to completed page when it goes online)
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